Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Defeat for Privacy

Well, typical of a Democrat running for office, Obama is trying to please the middle and even he reneged (flip-flopped) on his original position of saying he would vote against any bill that gave amnesty to telcoms for illegally wiretapping Americans. The unconstitutional wiretapping bill has passed the Senate, and Bush will sign it into law. Hopefully the courts realize that the legislative branch has overstepped its authority and strike down this unconstitutional law. Here is a Wired article.

1 comment:

jughead said...

Where in the constitution did you find this law passed by the legeslature to be unconstitutional. As an American who has copies of the constitution, and has read it there are far further infringements that hath been put upon us. Lately it is the courts that have overstepped and congress has not done its job to correct the court. The times they are a changin, and most of us could care less what is in your email. I do care what is in a muslim email, any muslim. I want them to look at it and protect my life and yours. We elect people based on what we think they will do when no one is looking, or should. We have to know who plots against us, save your banter for real losses, this will still have to be approved again (it has a shelf life)and if the threat has lessened, then I would agree with you. We have not been attacked since 9/11 for a reason and to deny that this bill has assisted in the task of keeping us safe is to fool yourself. I too want the government out of my business, but we face a real threat and the fuckers use phones and email to get their evil done. The request still has to go before jurisprudence. Calm your self and worry not of your privacy. If it gets that bad at least they confirmed our right to guns, just shot the bastards right off the porch.