Monday, June 16, 2008

An Idiotic and Ineffectual Attempt at a Noble Goal

Here is Another huge fucking idiot poking his nose into things he knows nothing about in an attempt to gain the support of stupid people who just want to feel good and feel that the government is looking after them. New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, you, sir, are an imbecile. What you have pushed the ISP's like Verison to do will accomplish nothing toward your actual goal, and will do tremendously more harm than good to legitimate users. We don't like censorship in America, you dumbass, and anyone who has the money and balls to challenge this legally will win. I hope and pray for that person/organization (come on EFF), and I hope you lose your job and then go to hell for all eternity. Don't censor my internet. Blocking the offending groups would have been sufficient for Verizon to stay out of trouble with the law, and would accomplish the same goal as blocking the entire network (absolutely nothing). The child pornographers will just find another way to distribute their trash, and only the legitimate users will be inconvenienced, not to mention the hackers and crackers that bring me free music/movies/games (just kidding, FBI, NSA, CIA, etc)...

1 comment:

jughead said...

Calm thy self. You cannot defeat such imbedded idiocy with anger. Show them they are wrong and they will learn "grass hopper" lead them to the place. I have the same problem the fuckers piss me off, be smarter lead the sheep to the correction they need.